Step 1: Setting Parameters in Application Options

There are parameter settings that must be activated for automatic programs to send out preferred notifications.

NOTE: E-mails will be sent to the proper recipient regardless of the e-mail notification flag set in the user record.

The parameters are as follows.

Program 1. Overdue Activities Settings – OverDueNotication.cmd

These settings are located in the Activity Type Table and each activity type can have different notification settings.

  • First Notify Before Due Reminder Days: If set, would be the first notification to the user prior to the activity due date.
  • Second Notify Before Due Reminder Days: If set, would be the second notification to the user prior to the activity due date.
  • User Overdue Reminder Days: If set, would notify users of overdue activities when they are overdue by the entered number of days.
  • User Overdue Subsequent Days: If set, would notify users every subsequent day for overdue activities.
  • Manager Overdue Reminder Days: If set, would notify managers when activities are overdue by the entered number of days.
  • Manager Overdue Subsequent Days: If set, would notify managers every subsequent day when activities are overdue.
  • Second Level Manager Overdue Reminder Days: If set, would notify the second level manager of overdue activities.

NOTE: You must create a department starting with Second Level Notification <Name>, adding users and one second level manager. This allows for combining multiple departments into one second level.

  • Second Level Manager Overdue Subsequent Days: If set, would notify the second level manager every subsequent day for overdue activities.

For example (these examples still apply but to the individual activities):

  • If User Overdue Reminder Days is set to 1, the user would receive a notification when the activity is one day overdue.
  • If User Overdue Subsequent Days is set to 2, the user would be reminded every two days until the activity is completed.
  • If Manager Overdue Reminder Days is set to 5, the manager would receive a notification if someone in his department has an activity overdue by 5 days.
  • If Manager Overdue Subsequent Days is set to 1, the manager would be reminded every day (after the initial 5-day notification) until the activity is complete.
Program 2 – Documents need review – ProActiveReview.cmd
  • PROACTIVE_REVIEW_DAYS: If set to 30, a notification would be sent to the appropriate individual 30 days in advance of a document next review date. To activate this feature, the automatic proactivereview.exe program must be scheduled to run on the application server (refer to technical notes use of Windows Scheduler). This setting works in conjunction with the PROACTIVE_REVIEW_DOC_EXPIRATION_SENDTO setting in Application Options and the Proactive Reviewer/Document Owner field in the Document record. If defined, the appropriate individual would be the Proactive Reviewer/Document Owner. If not defined, the program will use the application setting called PROACTIVE_REVIEW_DOC_EXPIRATION_SENDTO. If this setting is set to A, the Review Group Administrator will receive the notification. If set to R, all reviewers defined in the document review group will receive notifications.

The ProActiveReview.cmd program can also create an activity for the proactive reviewer. There are two conditions that must be met to create the activity:

  • You must create a new activity type called NOTIFY_USER_SA_ProactiveReviewRequired.
  • Update the NotificationFunction\app_config.xml file in the proactivereviewerenotification_setting section. Set Create_Activities to YES. (Contact Technical Support for additional information.)

One activity (and email) will be created for multiple documents. After executing the proactive review function, the user clicks the Comp’d box to complete the activity.

Program 3 – Training is expiring – CycleNotication.cmd
  • CYCLENOTIFICATION ACTIVITY EMAIL: If set, would create user activities and e‑mails for overdue activities.
  • CYCLENOTIFICATION DAYS: Standalone Cycle Notification Days; number of days to be notified before training expired.
  • CYCLENOTIFICATION_DUE_DATE_DAYS: Standalone Cycle Notification days for due date for expired training activities.
  • CYCLENOTIFICATION_INCLUDE_HAVE_ACTIVITY: Standalone Cycle Notification option. If current training activity exists and this option value set to NO, the cycle notification program will not send an expired training email notification. If set to YES, the expired training email will be sent.
  • CYCLENOTIFICATION_TO_MANAGER: Standalone Cycle Notification to Department Manager or Review Group Administrator.
  • CYCLENOTIFICATION_USE_JOBPLAN: Standalone Cycle Notification Use Job Planning or Prior Training.
Program 4 – Document is Expiring – DocumentExpirationNotification.cmd
  • DOC_EXPIRATION_DAYS: If set to 30, a notification would be sent to the appropriate individual 30 days in advance of a document expiration date. To activate this feature, the automatic DocumentExpirationNotification.cmd program must be scheduled to run on the application server (refer to technical notes use of Windows Scheduler). This setting works in conjunction with the PROACTIVE_REVIEW_DOC_EXPIRATION_SENDTO setting in Application Options and the Proactive Reviewer/Document Owner field in the Document record. If defined, the appropriate person would be the Proactive Reviewer/Document Owner. If not defined, the program will use the application setting called PROACTIVE_REVIEW_DOC_EXPIRATION_SENDTO. If this setting is set to A, the Review Group Administrator will receive the notification. If set to R, all reviewers defined in the document review group will receive notifications.
Program 5 – Expiring Training Records – Expiredtraining.cmd

Schedule this program to run if you would like to archive training records when they become overdue. This program is usually run in conjunction with the cyclenotification.exe program. Notification that training has been archived is sent to either the Document Administrator or the Department Manager of the user. This is set on the application setting called CYCLENOTIFICATION_TO_MANAGER. To set the due date for the automatic cycle notification activities, there is a parameter in the App_Config.xml file in the NotificationFunctions directory on the server: <duedate_days>30</duedate_days>.

In this example, the due dates for the cycle notification (expired training) would be set to 30 days out from the date of execution. (See your IT department to set this option.)

Program 6 – Change Order Training Complete – COTrainingComplete.cmd

Schedule this program if you would like to have the Change Order Administrator notified when training is completed for all documents that are on a change order.

Program 7 – Issue Training Automatically - TrainingNotificationDeviation.cmd

Scheduling this program will automatically create training activities for missing training using employee’s job planning (training matrix).

Program 8 – Automatically set document effective date - SetDocumentEffectiveDates.cmd

Schedule this program to automatically change the effective date of the document when all training is completed. The system will automatically create a new PDF if using PDF stamping of revision information. E‑mails will be sent to all trainees notifying them that the document is now effective.

Program 9 – Notify Users before activities are Due – BeforeDueNotification.cmd

Schedule this program to automatically notify individuals prior to activity due dates. This program uses the settings First Notify Before Due Reminder Days and Second Notify Before Due Reminder Days located in the Activity Type Detail table.